Tuesday, July 20, 2010


"Tale me abote yo-ah pole-atics in Ah-medica Kah-see," said my new friend Benjamin. I pretty much spent the entire day talking political history and restaurants with the General Manager of the local AMPATH restaurant. All of his political and historical knowledge about our country is based on what he has learned on CNN. I quickly realized that he must tune in religiously in order to have formed so many intelligent questions about, what I now realize are, some very puzzling situations for most of the world to witness. We covered JFK, MLK, Obama, de jure and de facto segregation, MAC Donalds (as he called it), health care, immigration, and the difference(s) between Republicans and Democrats. Have no fear.....I was fair and balanced in my assessments and interpretations.

I also discovered the secret to life in Kenya today. CHAI!! Chai tea is the most incredible thing that Kenya has ever produced, I could only describe it by saying it is like drinking a candy bar. I'm not sure exactly how much sugar they put in this stuff but I had a cup at 3:30pm and it is now 8:00 and I my pupils are still the size of quarters.

Daily observations about Kenya:

1. There is a secret ingredient in Chai tea that makes you forget that you are in a third world country.

2. Our country and it's politics are watched by the world....and probably serve as good entertainment.

3. Restaurants are restaurants and the problems they encounter are universal.



  1. I hope you explained to him that Democrats are all about women and beer, while Republicans are in favor of hot women and cold beer. That's probably the best explanation that I've ever heard.

  2. Benjamin was under the impression that the Republicans had hung everybody out to dry and that the Democrats had stepped in to save the day....mind you that was via CNN. I explained to him some of the finer points of the two parties and, like many Americans, he saw value in both platforms. He also recognized the dangers of certain party objectives on both sides. For example; he was in favor of social programs, equal opportunities, and good public education. He was shocked, however, when I explained to him the percentage of taxes that people pay. I think he was surprised that the government could take so much and still be so cumbersome and ineffective.
