Monday, August 16, 2010


"To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket of your selfishness. But in that casket-safe, dark, motionless, airless-it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable."
-C.S. Lewis
I had a few fears when I first came here. Some reasonable--contracting an illness, being mugged, getting lost--some not so reasonable--being mauled by a hippopotamus, having to battle Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean, my plane crashing in the Maasai Mara and needing to cannibalize my fellow passengers in order to survive. The one potentially terrifying occurrence that never crossed my mind, and probably the most far fetched given my indifference toward children, was morphing into a 31 year old male Sally Struthers. So when Jill wanted to visit an abandoned baby that she had cared for last year, my concern for rationale and emotional restraint was aimed at the more compassionate member of this duo. Being the ever practical boyfriend that I am and knowing Jill as well as I do I formed, what I felt was, a reasonable checklist of caution: 1. Jill's seemingly happy and non-emotional demeanor, check. 2. Jill's lack of Kleenex for crying when we leave, check. 3. An evening appointment to keep us from staying all day, check. 4. Jill's hand bag being too small to fit a two and a half year old child into, check. 5. Emotionally distant boyfriend to serve as voice of reason......I thought that was the most emphatic check, I thought wrong.

Nikita walked into the front room of her cottage bearing the body language of a child who had spent her first 30 months of existence in survival mode. I have never seen the eyes of a two and a half year old so coldly analytical, I have never seen a child whose movements were so cautiously calculated, whose face was so stoically perceptive. One by one she stared both of us squarely in the face and piece by piece she broke our hearts. "Do you know her name?" the caretaker asked. "Mazungu (Swahili for white person)," Nikita quietly responded. After fully satisfying her suspicions and looking to her care taker for approval, Nikita sat cautiously on the couch keeping an eye on Jill, who was nearest her.

Throughout the visit the toddler was able to manage us--through the occasional smirk or smile--while also managing herself--using the potty, washing for dinner, feeding herself, and clearing her own dishes. She seemed a bit puzzled at first; I seriously doubt that the girl had spent much time playing with adults, let alone "Mazungu" adults, but she eventually warmed up to Jill. Despite her toleration of our intrusion, I sensed a void in Nikita; an emotional distance that I have never witnessed in a child. It was not intentional on her part, I hardly think she was aware of it. Perhaps it was the lack of a true maternal connection, maybe it was a necessity of adapting to the chaos that was a 7-child cottage; whatever it was this perfectly healthy, beautiful child was missing something emotionally. I scarcely recognized my own reaction, it was just uncharacteristic of me. I wanted to pick her up and hold her, I wanted to read her books and give her chocolate and soda, I wanted to give her more toys than a child knew what to do with; all of the things that we (Americans) do to overindulge our children and show them what we think is love. It was probably a typical reaction to the type of situation that I typically choose to ignore, or not think about, or look away from, or turn the channel from. But when you are staring the situation in the face, when that situation is an abandoned child sitting on your lap wondering why you now all of the sudden's eye opening.

Nikita finally warmed up to us, she eventually smiled more freely. At one point before lunch she got down off of the couch, quickly and happily spun in a circle and then quickly sat back down. I doubt that she will remember us the next time we visit her; the Mazungu who came to visit her and was overcome with emotion at a situation that, to her, is just life. But I know I won't forget her, I won't forget how amazingly resilient she seemed and I won't forget the level of self disappointment that I felt for intentionally keeping myself in the dark.


1. My last week in Kenya was apparently rotten onion week. A Kenyan celebration that involves putting overly ripe onions in and on EVERYTHING. Thanks Poa Place for my delicious chicken bone and onion panini.

2. Soccer games can end in ties? "WHAT IS THE POINT OF PLAYING," I was yelling at the Kenyans in the local Eldoret night club where we watched the English Premier League game.

3. I never would have dreamt that I would have missed cooking for myself so much. I just went crazy at the store and bought a ton of meat. Tonight's meal: roasted pork shoulder in my own homemade bbq sauce with corn and homemade potato chips......hello American meal.

Friday, August 13, 2010


"The greatest gift is a portion of thyself."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Despite all of my third world grumblings about living in a "developing country", despite the totally bizarro world that is the IU House, and despite having to occasionally tolerate a few socially castrated Americans who use this place as a safe haven for their weirdness; there is one thing here that I have discovered to be a saving grace. Witnessing incredibly talented people engaged in the reciprocal nature of sharing their unbelievable gifts has been Kenya's redeeming quality.

Two time Grammy Award winning singer Sylvia McNair brought her talent here this week in the form of a concert in the courtyard of the AMPATH building. The AMPATH building is a microcosm of life in Kenya. When you first walk in you are confronted with long, low lit, gray hallways that extend endlessly into corridors, offices, waiting rooms and stairwells. There are frequently patients waiting to be seen sitting on anything they can find as they overflow into the hallway from the designated check in areas. The scene seems hopeless and the suffering unending as HIV positive adults and children seek treatment. But if you choose to venture down that ominously heartbreaking hallway you will discover an absolute treasure in the heart of suffering--an open air courtyard in the middle of the building. The courtyard shares it's gifts of blue skies and sun light with each floor via open wrap around balconies. Similarly as you visit the various offices, labs, and administrative divisions the original perception of despair begins to fade and gives way to hope. The Kenyans and Americans that occupy this building in various capacities have made enormous strides in containing the HIV pandemic. Each participant bringing their own unique gift, each participant choosing to be a part of something greater than the individual successes or monetary gains that their talents could surely yield.

Sylvia chose the courtyard of the AMPATH building as her venue this week. Her performance was amazing, resonating a series of songs in several languages that radiated out of the vibrant courtyard and through the dismal halls. She seemingly crafted a song for each individual in the multi-national crowd, which sat captivated on every balcony of the four story building. I know that I should really stop with the prison movie references, but I could not help but think of the Morgan Freeman quote from Shawshank Redemption:

"I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I'd like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can't be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free."

I can only imagine what Joe and Sara Ellen Mamlin felt to hear their friend and one of their favorite performers bring such a gift half way around the world. I think they were happy to hear a piece of home, I think they were happy to be able to share that with so many people. There is a picture below of Joe leaning against a wall, swaying slightly to the music. The look on his face was that far off gaze of a man who is enjoying a moment on a personal mental oasis.....physically standing right in front of us but cognitively and spiritually a million miles away.


1. Quality control does not exist here. I have had "ketchup" (here called Peptang) at least a dozen different times and each bottle tastes totally different.

2. Nobody in the world does milk shakes better than the United States, and nobody screws them up worse than Kenya. I'm currently writing a letter to the president of Kenya requesting that he make the first amendment to their new constitution a ban of milk shakes.

3. Music, culture, and art forms that flow from the heart transcend linguistic barriers and serve as the common language of humankind.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after."
-Henry David Thoreau
Anyone who knows me understands that since I was old enough to walk I desired to spend the majority of my leisure time fishing. By grade school my desire had turned into a firm addiction that I never sought the wagon for. So given the chance to fish one of Ernest Hemingway's favorite Marlin haunts (Indian Ocean near Mombasa, Kenya) I did what any junky would do, I indulged myself.

After making several calls to local captains I finally found a recommended man at a reasonable rate. I even managed to pick up a fishing partner to split the fare with. A portly Englishman named Mike of about 60 years with barely manageable gray hair and totally unmanageable black eyebrows. After quizzing me about life growing up in Illinois--"you all ride around in those open back trucks there, do you?"--we reconvened on Saturday morning and walked a quarter mile down the beach to meet Captain Rob Hellier. We found Rob at, what I presume was, his local coffee spot chatting with a few other local charter captains. I quickly realized that what Rob lacked in spoken words he made up for in body language and beard. It was an all time great beard; imagine a viking beard, pirate beard, and caveman beard thrown in a blender and then tossed on Captain Rob's face.

After expressing his displeasure to the all Kenyan crew--non-verbally of course--over a mechanical issue, Rob took us out. The sea was angry that day, we were in a 40+ foot boat with twin Caterpillar diesels and we were getting tossed hard the first hour. My partner for the day the Englishman, who was normally never at a loss for words, was still. No movement, no talking, just the jaw clenched, white faced, gaze toward the toilet that screams I am going to be sea sick.....and was he ever. It was a shame because Rob put us on more fish than any one man should be able to reel in for a day, but I managed.

Even though I did not land a black marlin or a sailfish, the ocean and Captain Rob provided enough fish to produce a good sized blister on my right thumb. As I sat there gazing out into the ocean with, what I am sure was, a sappy looking grin on my face and arms dragging from pumping and reeling so many fish, I felt home. I did not feel at home, I felt home, I felt where I was from, and for the first time in over a month I actually felt like myself. It was close to a perfect day, one of those days that you wish you could capture and keep as pure as the instant it happened.

Below are some pictures of the fish I caught. In all fairness Mike, the sea sick Englishman, did manage to take time out from hollering Charlie down below to land three fish.

Daily observations:

1. The Kenyan subsistance fishermen are insane!! These guys are a mile out, six guys in an eight foot boat, in ten foot swells.

2. I am the WORST snorkeler ever, even with a life jacket and lifeguard at my side I still failed miserably.

3. It was difficult driving through all of the poverty just to stay at a resort that probably does not pay their employees a decent wage. Its like driving past a sweatshop to pick up your Nikes.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Down But Not Out

The past two days have brought a wave of illness throughout the compound. I fell victim to the epidemic yesterday despite my obsessive compulsive hand washing and sanitizing. It started with an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion after my morning run, then proceeded to my head and nose. I truly believe that if my body were not rejecting every morsel of food that I try to eat then I would have been able to stave off this plight, but in my weakened state I fell victim with the rest of the inmates. The only real medical advise I was given was by saintly Monica at lunch who offered me an orange mystery powder which, despite tasting like bile, did make me feel better.

So, I have spent the entire day within the confines (ten foot brick walls topped with an electric fence) of the IU compound.....I found myself wandering around at one point quoting lines from Shawshank Redemption: "Funny thing these walls. First you hate em'... then you get used to em'... after a while you start to depend on them. That's what it means to be institutionalized." Although I was able to lose myself in preparing lesson plans for this fall, I realized that I cannot spend the rest of my days locked behind these walls. As much as I detest the cratered, muddy, cow-poo filled streets of Eldoret I need to find something to take me out of camp. Even though my daily goal may not be as grand or important as many of the objectives being pushed here; I am a worker and I need a job.

Daily Observations:

1. They must be administering the cows here laxatives. I've seen cow patties before, but my GOSH this is disgusting.

2. Do not expect any type of medical attention here unless you are literally on your death bed. When I finally told her that I was feeling really bad Dr. Jill prescribed me a tall glass of get over it with a teaspoon of come see me if you are dying....."other than that there is nothing else you can do."

3. Although I still object to the term "developing country" there are some people here (Marc, Rose, Jill, Joe, and more) who have really made progress and continue to amaze me with their perseverance and hope.

Until next time,


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dodge Ball

Thursday night is dodge ball night here at the pen. I was surprised to find out that Kenyans are dominant dodge ball players, especially Manji who looks like he just arrived from a group of Serengeti lion hunters. It was a nice break from an otherwise very bizarre world that was infiltrated by yet another group of short-timing eccentrics yesterday. I am quite certain that there is not a spare bed in the entire asylum. The mess hall was full of people comparing their third world triumphs, each trying to outdo the other in a battle royal of piety. They were real Sons of Thunder; I felt like I was witnessing a debate of who would sit at the left and right in the Kingdom. I don't want to sound like a cynic, I am a believer, I just feel like a little modesty could go a long way with some of these people.

This afternoon I witnessed true suffering and true servanthood, perhaps that is why I am so aggravated with our current medical tourists (don't get me wrong their not all bad). Jill showed me her children's ward today, she warned me beforehand that it was bad and that many doctors can't handle it. She was right it was bad, it was worse than anything that I ever could have expected. But it was worth it. It was worth it to watch Jill work and it was worth it to feel like such a fool for pitying myself in this place. The first patient that we saw was a ten year old boy who was born with AIDS. He was in bad shape, he just laid there coughing. Jill wagered that he would make it "he's very tough," she said. He has survived two operations already and although he looks like he is in bad shape, she is optimistic. The second patient that we saw looked better, but Jill said that the little girl would definitely not make it (kidney failure) and she spent most of her time just comforting the grandmother in Swahili.

In happier news I had a fabulous dinner last night and made many new friends. I really did meet some very nice and very genuine people.

Daily observations about Kenya:

1. You can pee anywhere as long as you turn your back to where you think the majority of the people are.

2. The mechanics of throwing a lion spear are uncannily similar to the mechanics required to drill me in the ear hole with a dodge ball.

3. I may not have fallen in love with Kenya on this trip but I most definitely fell even more in love with Dr. J.

Peace and goodnight,


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


"Tale me abote yo-ah pole-atics in Ah-medica Kah-see," said my new friend Benjamin. I pretty much spent the entire day talking political history and restaurants with the General Manager of the local AMPATH restaurant. All of his political and historical knowledge about our country is based on what he has learned on CNN. I quickly realized that he must tune in religiously in order to have formed so many intelligent questions about, what I now realize are, some very puzzling situations for most of the world to witness. We covered JFK, MLK, Obama, de jure and de facto segregation, MAC Donalds (as he called it), health care, immigration, and the difference(s) between Republicans and Democrats. Have no fear.....I was fair and balanced in my assessments and interpretations.

I also discovered the secret to life in Kenya today. CHAI!! Chai tea is the most incredible thing that Kenya has ever produced, I could only describe it by saying it is like drinking a candy bar. I'm not sure exactly how much sugar they put in this stuff but I had a cup at 3:30pm and it is now 8:00 and I my pupils are still the size of quarters.

Daily observations about Kenya:

1. There is a secret ingredient in Chai tea that makes you forget that you are in a third world country.

2. Our country and it's politics are watched by the world....and probably serve as good entertainment.

3. Restaurants are restaurants and the problems they encounter are universal.


Sunday, July 18, 2010


Yesterday was an average Kenyan day for us, plenty of plans but few results. We had hoped to get out of here and up into the tea fields for some fresh air and relaxation. Unfortunately, as I am finding is the case for most of the Kenyan service industry, drivers arrive on their time or not at all. The later was our case yesterday, so we decided to take a walk and explore the Eldoret leisure scene. We went to the local country club.....yes a country club, and inquired as to what the rate for a one month membership would be. Hopefully I can at least golf here, even if it is on a really crapy nine hole course. My first trip to the actual city of Eldoret was....interesting. The city is pretty much an overcrowded filthy cesspool of a town; I was shocked at the amount of traffic--pedestrians, bicycles, and automobiles--that was able to be crammed into the narrow crater filled streets. There were no traffic lights, no speed limit signs, and pretty much no traffic rules.

Today was nice, we finally managed to spring ourselves from the compound which feels like a minimum security prison at worst and a really bad summer camp for adults at best. After experiencing Eldoret's traffic, the two and a half hour white knuckle trip to the game reserve today seemed like a walk in the park and the natural treasures, tranquility, and companionship that we found there were more than welcome. Being able to experience the reserve and rural Kenya allowed my mind to detox from the cultural overload that slammed my brain the first week here. I feel at least a little more at ease and maybe even ready to start my first week of work here in Kenya. Additionally, I took nearly 500 pictures of rhinoceros, giraffes, lions, gazelles, antelope, and baboons. I hope to post at least a couple of pictures soon, but the internet here is so slow that I hold out little hope for being able to immediately share this amazing experience.

The past two days of observations about Kenya:

1. Just because a person works at an establishment does not mean that they know anything at all about said establishment.

2. Lack of traffic rules + Crappy highways + Zero law enforcement = Nightmarish driving circumstances. I don't think my mother, who is a more aggressive motorist than most NASCAR drivers, would last five minutes here.

3. Did you know- The Kenyan government does not provide public education past 8th grade? Only in the past ten years did they begin offering grade schools that were free to the public. FREE BASIC EDUCATION, I am now witnessing, is imperative for productive and dignified individuals as well as a just and productive country.

Talk to you all soon.....I hope.


Friday, July 16, 2010


I don't have a lot of kind things to say about Kenya be honest I don't have anything nice to say about this place so this should be a pretty short post. Maybe I will get over how third world this place really is and how annoying it is to be wearing the same clothes for FIVE DAYS IN A ROW.

Today's observations about Kenya:

1. The lack of hurry, especially when it comes to my bags arriving here within seven days of me arriving, is not endearing; it's annoying.

2. The place I am staying is like a summer camp for weird adults (with the exception of a few people I met late this evening).

3. Tusker Lager can make a lot of things better.

Peace and goodnight,


Thursday, July 15, 2010

First Day

I would consider this my first real day in Kenya. I'm still dealing with jet lag so I slept until about 11am Kenya time. I met with some people at the career training service about consulting on their restaurant. I asked the restaurant manager if I could get a tour of the kitchen and the first thing that he told me was, "someone is donating a modern kitchen this year." Modern kitchen? I thought. Then he showed me their "non-modern" kitchen. I didn't take any pictures because I didn't want to be rude by snapping a series of critical food violations but to paint you a quick mental image it was a dirt floor shack with a tin roof. There was a man cutting tender outside and everything that they were cooking inside was being cooked over a fire on the floor.

After spending some time at the restaurant Jill needed to go out and check on some students that were in a more rural clinic. On the way back we were able to stop and tour a Kenyan farm as well as learn about agriculture in Kenya. The lack of operating capital for farms limits many of the farming methods that I was accustomed to in the States. For example instead of pesticides they space the crops out farther than we do; and in the event of an infestation they use home remedies such as ash, cayenne pepper, and water to repel the invading pests. I took some pictures of the fields that we saw but I am not sure that I can upload them at this time.

A few parting observations from my first day in Kenya:

1. Although I considered my accent to be neutral, no one can understand my American English. I think I am probably going to have to adopt Jill's "Kenyan English" accent which I could only describe as part American, part English, and part talk to someone as if they were an idiot by over pronouncing all of the syllables in each word.

2. There is relatively little hurry here over anything and the expectation of self-satisfaction is virtually non existent.

3. Jill Helphinstine is truly brilliant, it was a real treat to get to watch her work briefly today.

That's all for now, hope to catch up with some of you later on skype.